Refund Policy

In the unfortunate event that you must cancel your trip due to illness, injury, personal emergencies or whatever the reason your refund will be as follows:

50% refund of payment installment (s) paid to 2 globe girls will be issued if cancellation is received 30 days before departure. *Refund excludes the NON REFUNDABLE deposit.

Cancellation Policy

Please note there will be no refund for any unused portion of your trip, failure to arrive for travel days, listed activities, missed connections, late arrivals, or choosing to end your trip early. 2 globe girls reserves the right to cancel or alter a trip due to unforeseen weather, unsafe conditions, low bookings or other circumstances. 

In the event that 2 globe girls must cancel a trip, any payments received will be refunded, including your non-refundable deposit. Refunds do not apply to last minute deals. 2 globe girls is not responsible for expenses incurred in preparation for any canceled trips, airfare, hotel and transportation costs.

In light of Covid 19, travel insurance is required to protect your trip from unforeseen circumstances. Below is a link for travel insurance. Feel free to use the travel insurance of your choice. 2 globe girls does not endorse or is responsible for the insurance below, it is merely a suggestion. It is recommended that you do your own research and due diligence.